Words for people according to marital status

Baby – a very young child
Infant – a baby or very young child, newborn child
Toddler – a young child who has just learnt to walk
Single – If you're not married or dating anyone, you're "single".
Just friends – Imagine that you have a friend. Someone asks if you're dating this person. You're not, so you can say:
A platonic relationship – A more specific and formal way to say that you are "just friends"
Bachelor – A man who has never been married
Spinster – a woman who has never been married
Maid / Maiden / Damsel - a girl or young woman who is not married
Matron - Literary a married woman
Bridget Jones - A single woman in her thirties who is ordinary rather than perfect and is looking for a partner
Single / Singleton – a person who isn’t married and doesn’t have a boyfriend/girlfriend
Marriage – legal relationship between a husband and wife
Marry (sb), get married to sb – become somebody’s husband or wife
Go out (with sb) – spend time with somebody and have a romantic or sexual relationship with them\
Lonely hearts - People who are looking for a romantic relationship
Bride – a woman on her wedding day, or just before or just after it
(Bride)Groom – a man on his wedding day, or just before or just after it
Into (someone) – When you've met someone and you both seem attracted to each other, you can say that you're "into" each other
(someone) Asked (someone) out – Traditionally, one person asks the other person to go on a date. You can describe it this way: She asked me out.
Hook up – But sometimes relationships start differently. If you kiss someone or have some kind of sexual experience before going out on a date
Seeing each other / Not serious – If you've been on a few dates or hooked up with someone a few times, you can describe it as "seeing each other". But you might still not be completely committed to each other
Dating / Date – Spending time with someone that you are romantically interested in.
Boyfriend – Someone that you are dating who is male
Girlfriend – A girl who you are dating
In a relationship – A close friendship between two people, especially one involving romantic or sexual feelings
Crush - If you have a crush on someone, that means that you are very attracted to them but you are not in a relationship with them.
Get engaged – After some period of dating, you decide to marry each other.
Fiancé - If you are planning on marrying someone, "fiancé" is the word used to describe that person if he is a man.
Fiancée - If you are planning on marrying someone, "fiancé" is the word used to describe that person if she is a woman.
Newlyweds – Next comes marriage. For the first year or two after a couple gets married
Happily married – After you're no longer newlyweds, you're just "a married couple". It's common for married people to call themselves "happily married"
Better half or other half - Sometimes, people use the expression "better half" or "other half" to describe their husband or wife.
Couple - Two people who are married or involved in a romantic relationship with each other
Partners – Some people in a serious relationship never get married. This might be because they don't think marriage is a good idea. Or it may be because they're gay and are not allowed to get married in the area where they live.
Domestic partner - Mainly american the person who you are living with and having a sexual relationship with but are not married to. The usual British word is partner.
Family man - A man with a wife or partner and children
House husband - A man who stays at home cleaning the house, looking after children etc while his wife or partner goes out to work
Lady of leisure - A woman who does not have to work, especially because her husband earns a lot of money
Broke up – If you're dating someone, and the relationship ends
Through – If you break up with someone angrily, you can talk about it this way: I am through with him!
Dump (someone) – Sometimes both people agree to break up. Other times, one person makes the decision and "dumps" the other person
Separated – When a married couple ends their relationship, there are two parts.
Divorced – the legal ending of a marriage; end your marriage legally
Divorcé - A man who is divorced
Divorcée - A woman who is divorced
Exes – After a couple has broken up or gotten divorced, a couple becomes "Exes"
Widow – a woman whose husband has died
Widower – a man whose wife has died
War widow - A woman whose husband has been killed in a war
