Vocabulary for describing relationships

Father – somebody’s male parent
Mother – somebody’s female parent
Parent – somebody’s father or mother
Husband – the man who a woman is married to
Wife – the woman who a man is married to
Spouse – somebody married to another person; husband or wife
Son – somebody’s male child
Daughter – somebody’s female child
Brother – a boy or man who has the same parents as another person
Sister – a girl or woman who has the same parents as another person
Sibling – a brother or sister
Elder brother/sister – a brother/sister who is older than you
Younger brother/sister – brother/sister who is younger than you
Grandfather – somebody’s parent’s father
Grandmother – somebody’s parent’s mother
Grandparent – somebody’s parent’s parent
Great grandfather – a father of your grandparent
Great grandmother – a mother of your grandparent
Grandson – somebody’s son’s or daughter’s son
Granddaughter – somebody’s son’s or daughter’s daughter
Grandchild – somebody’s son’s or daughter’s child
Uncle – somebody’s mother’s or father’s brother; your aunt’s husband
Aunt – somebody’s mother’s or father’s sister; your uncle’s wife
Nephew – somebody’s brother’s or sister’s son; your husband’s or wife’s brother’s or sister’s son
Niece – somebody’s brother’s or sister’s daughter; your husband’s or wife’s brother’s or sister’s daughter
Cousin – somebody’s parent’s brother’s or sister’s child; somebody’s aunt’s or uncle’s child
Stepfather – your mother’s husband (not your real father)
Stepmother – your father’s wife (not your real mother)
Stepbrother – your stepfather’s or stepmother’s son (at least one of your parents is different)
Stepsister – your stepfather’s or stepmother’s daughter (at least one of your parents is different)
Stepson – your spouse’s son (from an earlier marriage)
Stepdaughter – your spouse’s daughter (from an earlier marriage)
Father-in-law – your spouse’s father
Mother-in-law – your spouse’s mother
Brother-in-law – your spouse’s brother
Sister-in-law – your spouse’s sister
Son-in-law – your daughter’s husband
Daughter-in-law – your son’s wife
